How to Mix Progressive Lenses With Contacts
Decide how you want to wear your progressive lenses and contact lenses. The most convenient way to mix progressive lenses and contacts is to wear your contact lenses for distance and have a pair of progressive lens glasses to be used just for reading over the contacts. The distance portion of the progressive lenses will not have any correction, but the reading and intermediate portion of the lenses will contain your close-up prescription.
Find frames that will fit progressive lenses. Your eyes should be centered in the top part of the glasses. Bigger frames work best with progressive lenses, although most smaller frames will hold the no-lines bifocals. The bigger the frame, the more reading area your lenses will have.
Select progressive lenses that fit your lifestyle and work. There are many different types of no-line lenses and they come in a variety of styles. Better lenses have a wider corridor, the part of your lens that gets stronger from the middle of the lens to the bottom, and less of a "blur" area as the power changes. Consider a better quality lens if you do a lot of close work for long periods of time.
Mix your progressive lenses with contacts that change your eye color. Contacts are available that enhance lighter eyes and change brown eyes to blue or green. Buying a pair of tinted contacts in distance vision is much more economical than bifocal contacts. Wear the tinted distance contacts and a pair of progressive lens glasses over them when you need to do close work.
Choose contacts that contain progressive lens power instead of glasses. Contact lenses are now available in both soft and rigid material that correct for near and far and combine the function of progressive spectacle lenses.