Dominant Eye Strengthening Exercise
Peripheral Vision Training
Perform peripheral vision training to potentially increase the ability of your eyes to see things laterally--that is to say, objects not directly within your line of vision. Sit or stand facing a blank wall, focusing on a spot in the center at around eye level. Take your hand and hold it out in front of your eyes so that it covers the spot you are staring at. Slowly begin to move your hand outward toward the side of your body until your arm is held out completely to your side. Remain aware of your hand while remaining fixated on your chosen point on the wall, noticing it only with your peripheral vision. Ideally, you should still be able to see your hand even when it is nearly completely out to the side. If you waggle your fingers you should notice their movement at the limit of your vision. Repeat four or five times with one arm (to one side), then repeat with the other arm to the opposite side. Practicing this daily will help to get you more used to using your peripheral vision with both your dominant and non-dominate eyes.
Object Tracking
Perform object tracking to help improve your ability to pick an object out of a group quickly and efficiently. Select a rather large book from your book collection or visit a webpage that is mostly text. Choose a single letter from the alphabet then scan down the page as quickly as you are able, counting the occurrence of that letter alone and ignoring everything else. Keep a mental tally in your head, then confirm your fast tally with a slower and more accurate count after your are finished. Perform this drill two or three times per day and time yourself with each repetition. You should notice your times decreasing and your visual acuity improving in just a few weeks.