How to Fit Prescription Eyeglasses
Select a frame that fits comfortably across the head and face. The frame should not squeeze the sides of the head or sit too far from the temples.
Adjust nose piece to assure eyeglasses rest properly on the face. Make sure eyes are centered in the top of half of the frame. Raise the frame by squeezing the nose piece or spread it out to lower the frame.
Check the temple length. The frame temple, or arm, rest on the ears. The temple should curve gently around the top of the ear, stop near the base and form a backward "C."
Make sure your prescription will fit in the frame. Lenses that are considered to be a strong prescription, anything over a (-) or (+) 4.00 power, should be put into smaller frames. Try to find a frame that accommodates both the size of your head as well as the strength of your lenses.
Allow a deep enough vertical space in the lens to use bifocals, especially no-lines, also called progressives. Most lined bifocals need at least 15 millimeters of space from the bottom of your lid to the bottom edge of the frame. Most no-line bifocals require 20 millimeters of space or more, measured from the center of your pupil to the bottom edge of the frame.