How to Clean Acuvue Contact Lenses
Things You'll Need
- Contact lenses
- Contact lens container
- Cleaning solution
Begin a routine. It is important that, once you start caring for your Acuvue lenses, you do it the same way each time. Start with the same contact lens, so as to not screw up which is which. Begin with the left and keep starting with the left from then on. This avoids confusion.
Wash your hands. Use both soap and water, and make sure the hands are completely clean. Dry them off thoroughly, but leave no lint or fuzz on your fingers that can get on the contacts.
Take out the first contact lens from your eye---carefully, as instructed by your doctor.
Cup the palm of the hand that you are not using to remove the contact lens and place the removed lens into it.
Squeeze four to five drops of multipurpose lens-cleaning solution onto the lens in your cupped palm. Turn the lens over and squeeze more drops on the other side. With your free hand, use your index finger to rub each side of the lens for about 10-15 seconds.
Place the lens in the proper side of its container---left or right.
Fill the section of your lens case that has the contact lens in it with fresh cleaning solution. Cover the lens completely. Once full, fasten the cover onto the in-use section.
Repeat steps 3-7 with the contact lens from your opposite eye. Once both lenses are in the cleaning solution in the container, leave them in there for four to six hours at least to soak and clean. Afterward, put them back in your eyes.