Eye Cold Symptoms
Affected Area
An eye cold affects the moist tissues and fluids that cover the eye (conjunctiva) and line the inner eyelid. It does not affect the eyeball, so it does not affect vision ability. It might begin in one eye, but it can spread to both eyes.
An eye cold makes the white membrane of the affected eye very red (or vivid pink, hence the name "pink eye"). Redness can also occur around the eye area from swelling and irritation of surrounding skin.
During an eye cold (similar to a common cold), the eye continuously drains fluids, which are either watery or pus. According to MedicineNet.com's report on conjunctivitis, the sticky pus is the most significant symptom upon waking, because it has accumulated overnight and prevents the eye from opening easily.
Burning and Itchiness
An eye cold causes burning and irritation in one or both eyes. The itchiness makes it difficult to keep hands from rubbing the eyes, hence the easy spread of the infection from person to person.
The infectious bacteria of conjunctivitis causes the membrane tissues on the inside of the eyelid to swell up, which sometimes happens to such a degree that the eye can hardly open.
Blurry Vision
The combination of the aforementioned symptoms causes blurry vision during an eye cold. According to MedicineNet.com's report, this is not a danger to the eye's normal vision, and it is simply a result of fluid, inflammation, and irritation of the thin membranes.