Methods to Cleanse the Eye
Eye Drops
Eye drops are sold in pharmacies and convenience stores and are the most widespread type of eye care when it comes to cleansing or cleaning the eyes. This solution is made of saline and efficiently cleanses the eyes with just a few drops. The most efficient way to do this is to tilt your head back and carefully squeeze a couple drops of solution on the inside part of each eye area so the solution drips into your eyeball itself and cleans it out naturally. It's important not to use this solution too often because it can cause irregular dryness in the eyes.
By inducing crying, your eyes will naturally cleanse themselves of any impurities or foreign particles that may be present in them. While there are many ways to induce crying, one good method is to cut a number of fresh onions. The gasses released by the onions when they are cut will cause your tear glands to produce tears, which may feel slightly uncomfortable as you won't be able to stop their flow easily. But when the tears subside, your eyes will be much cleaner.
Yoga has cleansing and healthy qualities; one method in particular, Trataka, helps not only to develop the inner, spiritual, eye, but also to naturally cleanse the physical eyes. The way to explore this technique is simple and relaxing: Simply sit cross-legged on the floor with your back straight and your eyes closed. Inhale and exhale deeply three to five times, and then concentrate on the middle of your forehead a couple centimeters above your eyes. This concentration, combined with your eyes being closed, helps to cleanse as well as strengthen the eyes, according to Trataka practitioners.