How to Pick Eyeglass Frames
Understand that frames that are too big will over-power your face and make you look off-balance. A pair that is too small or too narrow for your face will be unflattering as well, according to
Study the numerous frames that are available. Frames can be rectangular, oval, round, rimless or titanium. If you want to get really fancy and go all out there are vintage frames and monocles and frames featuring casa crystals to choose from.
Consider purchasing a flexible frame that is not going to break the first time your toddler yanks on it. These frames bend rather than snap and break. Consider the weight of your frame. It is going to be sitting on your nose, so you don't want something heavy and bulky.
Determine your frame choice based on your personality--are you flamboyant or quiet and studious?--or on your eye color or on the favorite color of clothing in your wardrobe.
Opt for metal frames. They are corrosion resistant and long-lasting, according to Opt for stainless steel frames, which are durable, reasonably priced, lightweight and good for someone with sensitive skin.
Consider selecting a plastic frame. These frames comes in vivid colors and are light weight. If you want to add some color to your face this may be the way to go. Do your thing and purchase really unconventional frames including those made out of solid silver or gold; bone and wood; leather or those featuring precious stones.
Remember these tips from when selecting the right frame for your face: Make sure that your glasses highlight your best feature. If it's your blue eyes, purchase glasses that enhance the color of your orbs. The frame should contrast with your face shape. If you have a very angular face consider round or oval glasses. Keep your glasses in scale with the rest of your face. Match your frames to your skin tone. If you are a cool tone, go with cool colors.
To determine your tone, look at the veins in your wrists. If they're blue, you are a cool tone and if they are green you are warm or a yellow base. Good colors for frames, if you have warmed toned skin, include gold, peach, orange, coral, copper, khaki, red, off-white, turquoise and blue. If you are a cool tone, consider buying glasses that are pink, or jade, rose, plum, amber tortoise or blue. -
A square face has a strong jaw line and a broad forehead. The width and length of the face are equal. To soften the squareness of your face, buy frames that are narrow and that have more width than depth. Consider narrow, oval lenses.
A diamond shaped face is narrow at the jawline and at the eye line. This is an uncommon facial shape. The cheekbones will be pronounced and positioned very high in the face. To accentuate the eyes and the cheekbones, chose frames that have distinctive brow lines. Another good option is a rimless frame and cat-eye or oval configurations.
Determine if your face is round. If your face is round there won't be any angles in your face. When you buy eyeglass frames, consider getting one that makes the face appear thinner and longer. A good option is an angular frame with a clear bridge that will lengthen the face and widen the eyes. An oval face is the easiest to work with because it is balanced. Buy frames that are as wide, or even wider, than the broadest part of your face. Walnut shaped frames are a good choice.
An oblong face is longer than it is wide. Wear frames that are decorative or have decorative or contrasting temples, which will add width to the face.
Consider that you may have a base-down triangular shaped face, which features a narrow forehead that widens at the chin and cheek areas. If this describes your face shape, get frames that emphasize the upper third of your face. Consider getting colored frames or even cat-eye shaped glasses. If you have a base-up triangular shaped face, your face is very wide at the top and very small at the bottom. To minimize the width of the top of the face, consider a frame that is wider at the bottom. Select a light-colored frame and light-weight material.