How to Improve Vision Eyebright
teaball (optional, if not purchasing prepared teabags)
hot water
Things You'll Need
- Even the most physically lazy person uses his eyes every waking minute, which means we are all vulnerable to eye strain. Like many health issues, visual problems tend to catch up with us after age 60: many seniors cope with problems ranging from glaucoma to cataracts to macular degeneration. To maintain and enhance your vision well into your elder years, draw on the healing powers of the herb known as eyebright. This herb contains vitamins B, C, and E plus beta-carotene, selenium and copper, a powerful combination for improving vision and preventing eye disease.
Purchase eyebright herb. Most health food stores offer the herb both packaged in tea form and as loose, dried leaves. The pre-packaged teas often combine eyebright with dried bilberries, another natural healer for the eyes.
Combine dried herb with water to make tea. If you are using dried leaves without teabags, you will need a tea-spoon or tea-ball in which you can place the herb. Boil water and pour over the teabag, tea-spoon,or tea-ball into a cup or pot for tea.
Drink one full cup of the tea each day. If you prefer, you may flavor the tea with lemon or honey, or combine with other herbs such as cinnamon or licorice root whose taste you enjoy.
Prepare a much weaker tea and use this as an eyewash. About two parts herb to eight parts water is a good ratio. Let the tea cool to room temperature and use a washcloth to gently daub eyes with the eyebright tea. Herbal healers recommend this as a short-term treatment during periods of severe eye strain or possible eye infections.