How to Remove Hard Contact Lenses Plunger
Things You'll Need
- Contact lens plunger
- Contact lens case
- Rewetting solution
- Mirror
Make sure your lenses are in place before attempting to remove them. It is possible to have the sensation the lenses are in when they have fallen out. Check by looking in a mirror and observing that the lenses are in your eyes.
Place a drop of rewetting solution in each eye to loosen the lenses. Moisten the suction cup on the plunger with a drop of rewetting solution.
Place the plunger directly and squarely on the front of the contact. The lens will adhere to the plunger.
Pull the plunger gently and straight back from your eye. The lens should come out easily. Repeat with the other contact lens.
Do not place the plunger directly on the surface of the eye as this could cause damage to your cornea.