How to Make Your Eyes Clear
Throw out any old, torn or damaged contact lenses. These are a frequent source of red eyes; don't wear new contact lenses until the redness is resolved.
Apply repeated cold compresses for 5 to 10 minutes at a time if itchiness is present. Also remove any irritant if possible. Add artificial tears as needed, and don't rub your eyes -- this will only aggravate any allergic reaction.
Apply no more than one or two drops of vasoconstrictor ("get the red out") eyedrops daily, and use cold compresses as needed if one or more of the fragile blood vessels on the white of the eye have broken and bled. If you can wipe blood away, see your doctor immediately, but if the blood is trapped between the hard white sclera and the transparent film overlying it, this is normally a common and not a particularly serious problem, according to the National Library of Medicine. Straining, coughing or sneezing are frequent causes of this condition.
Discard any new cosmetics recently used, since this is a frequent source of eye infection. Don't share eye makeup with others. If redness persists, see your eye doctor.
Avoid environments with hot, dry air or smoke, which can be irritating to many eyes.
Apply artificial tears up to four times daily to counter dry, red eyes. In severe cases of dry eye, use artificial tear ointment -- it causes temporary blurred vision until it dissolves, but remains on the eye surface longer than artificial tear drops.
Avoid lack of sleep, excessive alcohol consumption, swimming pool chlorine and contact lens overwear. Avoiding red eyes in the first place is the best way to keep eyes clear.