Herpetic Eye Infection
Painful sores around the eyes and eye redness are the most common symptoms of a herpetic eye infection. The cornea also becomes inflamed, which can be painful and lead to blurred vision.
Ocular herpes is spread from contact with another person with the infection. You can also spread it to yourself from another location, like an active cold sore on your lip.
There are different kinds of eye herpes: herpes keratitis (the most common), stromal keratitis and iridocyclitis. These infections affect the top layer of the cornea, deeper layers of the cornea, and surrounding tissues in the eye, respectively.
According to the NEI, stromal keratitis is the leading cause of corneal scarring leading to vision loss and blindness in the United States.
Early treatment of herpes keratitis can be effective in stopping the spread of the virus deeper into the cornea. Antiviral eye drops or oral pills are prescribed by an eye doctor. There is no cure for ocular herpes.