How to Deal With Dry Eye
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Vitamins
- Supplements
- Eye Drops
How to Deal With Dry Eyes
Drink up. Keep fluids flowing by drinking the daily recommended amounts of water. Drinking water will not only keep your body well hydrated, but will also help to keep your eyes moisturized.
Protect your eyes. When you are out in windy or extremely dry weather, protect your eyes by wearing protective glasses or some other covering shielding your eyes. Use artificial tear drops before going out or when you feel your eyes starting to get dry.
Blink often. Working on computers, heavy reading or just about any task that requires long periods of focusing can contribute to eye strain and dry eyes. While doing these tasks, make a conscious effort to blink more and take frequent breaks.
Go to bed early. Do no underestimate the power of a good night's sleep; getting plenty of rest ranks very high in keeping your eyes in good health.
Take your vitamins. Vitamins from foods and supplements help to combat dry eyes. Include more foods in your diet that contain vitamin A, C and E; you may also want to add a supplement such as flax seed or omega-3 fatty acids.
Use punctual plugs. Inserted painlessly by your eye care professional; they work by blocking tear drainage and then conserving them in the eyes longer, which aids in retaining moisture.