Directions for Use Of Pink Eye Drops
Treatment Options
It depends on what type of pink eye the individual has, but if someone suspects that they have pink eye, chances are that they have made a doctor's appointment for treatment. Once diagnosed, the doctor will prescribe the patient antibiotic eye ointments or eye drops to treat pink eye. In cases of viral conjunctivitis, a doctor may not prescribe anything because it will most likely clear up on its own. For allergic conjunctivitis, the doctor may prescribe artificial tears to help keep the eye moistened.
In addition to the prescription, and no matter which type of conjunctivitis the patient is experiencing, he will likely be advised to apply warm compresses on the outside of the eyelids in conjunction with lubricating eye drops to ease any discomfort.
How to Use Eye Drops
Wash hands thoroughly and dry them with a clean hand towel or paper towel before applying the eye drops. Ensure the eye dropper being used is not chipped or cracked. Do not touch the dropper tip with your hands or fingers directly. Carefully tilt the head back and gently pull down the lower part of the eye lid using an index finger. Hold the dropper tip downward using the other hand as close to the eye as possible, but without touching the dropper tip directly to the eye. Brace the remaining fingers against the face to help hold everything in place. Gently squeeze the dropper the appropriate amount of times. Close the eye for two to three minutes, tipping the head downward. Wipe away any excess eye drop solution from the face, replace the eye drop lid and put it in a safe place.
Pink Eye Prevention
Prevention of pink eye is the most important thing to accomplish, especially for someone who has already contracted it. Both types of conjunctivitis may form because of airborne sources. Avoid getting pink eye by being smart about what you touch with your hands and how often you wash your hands. Avoid touching your face and rubbing your eyes a lot, and wash your hands with an antibacterial soap often throughout the day. Carry waterless antibacterial sprays, gels and foams for when you're away from home and apply throughout the day.