Risk Factors for Eye Herpes
Risk factors for HSV-1 reactivation include stress, heat, fever, exposure to sunlight, hormonal changes and certain medicines.
Eye herpes typically causes blisters on the eyelids that crust over and heal within a week. Other symptoms include eye redness, gritty sensations, pain, sensitivity to light, tearing and blurred vision.
If eye herpes spreads to the middle layers of the cornea, this can cause permanent scarring, impaired vision and blindness.
People most at risk for an eye herpes infection are those who have experienced one previously. The first episode usually occurs during childhood, and about one-third of patients develop another infection later, as explained by the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS).
Additional Risk Factors
Eye herpes is most likely to occur in people who have a compromised immune system, according to a review of studies published in "British Medical Journal (BMJ) Clinical Evidence" in 2008. A study published in the July 2009 issue of "Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice" found that contact lens wearers had a higher recurrence rate of eye herpes compared to non-lens wearers.