What Is Branch Retinol Vein Occlusion?
BRVOs can occur abruptly in one eye and cause severe vision loss in some cases. The severity of BRVO symptoms depends on the exact location and size of the blocked vein. Dr. Mark Fonrose's report on eMedicine.com says that after diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusions are the second-leading cause of blindness.
A BRVO is a localized clot development in a retinal vein that occurs because of the hardening of adjacent retinal arteries. When blood flow is inhibited, oxygen and nutrients can't get to the eye, resulting in vision loss. Fonrose reports that BRVO is associated with hypertension. It can also occur with trauma, glaucoma and orbital structural lesions.
BRVOs are more common in patients with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, a history of recurring glaucoma, atherosclerosis and diabetes, according to The Retina Clinic.
Natural Improvement
According to The Retina Clinic, the blocked vein usually opens up on its own, and with time vision improves. More than half of BRVO patients will recover normal vision again (without any treatment) within one year of the occurrence.
One-third of BRVO patients suffer complications, according to The Retina Clinic. These complications include persistent swelling of the central retina (technically called "macular edema"), or the growth of new abnormal blood vessels inside the eye, which can easily rupture and cause bleeding in the eye, as well as vision loss.
Laser treatment is effective for BRVO that is not healing quickly enough on its own, or has already caused dramatic vision deficiency. Laser photo-coagulation improves vision, and according to AllAboutVision.com, increases the chance that final vision will be 20/40 or better.