How to Clear Eyes Without Eye Drops
Things You'll Need
- Safety goggles
- Rag
- Eye wash
Wear safety goggles if your eyes are under threat of debris or chemicals. Even fumes can cause irritation to the eye and chemical burns. If you have an eye injury or severe eye irritation, you should seek medical attention immediately. Debris and irritants can cause permanent damage to the eye if left untreated or not cared for properly.
Get a soft, clean washcloth and soak it in warm water. Put it over the affected eye or eyes, and allow it to remain there long enough to soften the crust. One common problem with eyes is a buildup of mucus around the eyes in the morning. This can be caused by illness, or it can occur at any time. The mucus can be thick and gluey, or it can form a hard crust. A crust is also a common problem for small children, and the best way to attempt to remove it is with a wet washcloth.
Gently rub the area around the eye with the washcloth until the mucus or crust is gone. If you have pinkeye or another eye infection, you should not use the same cloth or wash on both eyes. If only one is infected, this can spread the infection.
Use plain water or an eyewash to attempt to dislodge debris without anything having to touch the surface of the eye. The eyes are very sensitive and rubbing them can cause pain, irritation and damage to the surface of the eye. You could also end up getting more irritants and debris into the eye if your hands are not clean.
Use an eyewash made for chemicals and other irritants if you get chemicals or irritants in the eye. Then call your doctor immediately. Eyes are very sensitive and it's best not to take any unnecessary chances with them. If you work somewhere where you are exposed to hazardous chemicals, there should be an eyewash station. Use it according to the directions, and seek follow-up care with a doctor if needed.