Confrontation for Eye Exam Techniques
Explain the test you are about to perform to your client and let her know what to expect and what you expect her to do. Sit or stand opposite your client and give her a card to cover her left eye, have her focus her right eye on your nose. Ask her to look at your nose and not look at anything else.
Position Your Hands
Spread your arms apart and position both your hands on either side of your client's face, behind her ears. Place them at the level of her ears. Make a fist with three fingers on each hand, leaving two fingers sticking out.
Wiggle Your Fingers
Tell your patients to say "now" when she sees the fingers on your right hand. Start wiggling the two fingers sticking out of your three fingered fist. Move them from your client's left ear and toward her visual field or nose.
Once your patient says "Now," indicating she has seen your wiggling fingers, reposition them below her ear and repeat the test still using your right hand. The test is conducted with the wiggling fingers at a superior and inferior position.
Repeat The Test
Ask your client to move the card from her left eye to her right eye and repeat the test. This time, use your left hand and conduct the test at a superior and inferior position like before.