Eye Strength Exercises
The Bates Method
Dr. William Bates, an ophthalmologist, developed a program specifically dedicated to eye strengthening exercises. It was published in a book in 1920 called, "Perfect Sight without Glasses."
According to Bates, his program for natural eye strength improvement, "The Bates Method" could actually reverse the refractive discrepancies and other eye or vision related problems by performing relaxation exercises and techniques. It is also meant to effectively restore your "natural habits" when using your eyes. The following are sample eye strength exercises from the Bates Method.
Palming and Swinging
For the palming exercise, sit in a comfortable position (in front of a table) and rest your eyes to begin the relaxation process. Rest your elbows on a pillow or a cushion, just high enough that you can easily bring your palms to eye level without having to bend over. You then close your eyes with your palms, preventing light form entering. Cover your eyes without placing pressure on your eye sockets. Take slow and even breaths, and picture complete darkness until you relax. Do this for 10 minutes repeat two to three times a day.
For the swinging exercise, again relax your eyes but this time, the eyes should remain mobile. In a standing position, focus on a distant object and sway ever so gently from one side to the other. Do this a hundred times a day. Blink your eyes while you do the swaying motion. According to Bates, the blinking motions lubricate and clean the eyes. This exercise is very beneficial especially if you spend many hours in front of your PC.
Color Day and Sunning
For the Color day exercise, pick a color and look for that color throughout your day. When you spot it, focus on the color and not its shape and form. This helps your eyes and mind to engage with your environment.
For the sunning exercise, step outside, look up, and let the sun shine into your eyelids, while making a swaying motion. Exposing your eyes to the sun will stimulate them and help them relax.