How to Clean Using Contact Lens Solution

Contact lenses require cleaning and disinfecting. Most lenses require daily cleaning but some are maintained less frequently, such as extended-wear contacts. Lenses that are removed daily should be cleaned after each use. Extended-wear contacts are usually cleaned every few days or once a week. Soft lenses and rigid lenses require different cleaning solutions, but the actual cleaning process is similar for both types of contacts.

Things You'll Need

  • Contact lens solution
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    • 1

      Wash hands thoroughly. To properly work with contact lenses it is recommended that you always start with clean hands.

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      Remove dirty contact from your eye. Most eye care practitioners suggest that you should work with the right lens first to avoid confusing which lens is which.

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      Place the contact lens in the palm of your hand. Put several drops of contact lens cleaning solution onto lens. Be sure to use the type of cleaning solution that your eye doctor has recommended. If unsure, check with your eye doctor or a pharmacist if the doctor is not available.

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      Rub the solution into the lens very gently and in a circular motion to remove debris and clean the lens.

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      Rinse the lens with a saline or rinsing solution, or with the cleaning solution if it is an all-in-one cleaner, rinsing and disinfecting solution.

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      Place right lens in a clean contact lens storage case filled with contact solution and repeat cleaning steps with left lens.

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