Easy Way to Remove Contact Lenses
How to Remove Soft Contact Lenses
Before removing your contacts, wash your hands with a non-perfumed soap and dry them thoroughly. Be sure to be in a place where you have access to a mirror. A bathroom is an ideal place to remove your contacts, but make sure you close the sink's plug before removing the lenses.
First, look up into the mirror. You should see a bit of the white of your eye under your contact lens. Slide your lens downward, into the white of your eye and don't let go. With your finger and thumb, gently grab your lens from either side. Repeat this process on your other eye. Once removed, place each lens in a saline solution recommended by your doctor. This will help clean and provide safe storage for the lenses.
How to Remove Rigid Contact Lenses
Before removing your rigid contact lenses, wash your hands and dry them thoroughly. Use a finger to pull the outer corner of your lower lid away from your eye. Cup your other hand under the eye. Then, quickly blink. The contact lens should slide out into your cupped hand. Be sure to keep a towel under your cupped hand while you are learning how to remove your rigid contact lenses. Clean and store your lens as recommended by your doctor. Repeat this process with your other eye.
Contact-Removal Products
If you wear soft contact lenses, you can use a product called Contact 2 to remove your lenses. This product, which doesn't require that your fingers contact your eyes, is an excellent choice for people with long fingernails or those who have an aversion to touching their eyes. Contact 2 is also a good choice if you need to remove your contacts on the go and are unable to wash or sanitize your hands.
Contact 2 is a plastic, double-pronged instrument that you hold in your hand. To use it, use a finger to gently pull on your under eye area and position each the prongs on each side of your contact lens. Avoid touching your eyes with your fingers as you hold the skin on the under eye area. Gently squeeze the device and extract your lens.