How to Treat Sinus Eye Pain
Things You'll Need
- Salt water
- Decongestants
- Antihistamines
- Painkillers
- Humidifier or Vaporizer
- Towels
Treat Swelling With Heat and Moisture
Cover the painful part of your face with a warm compress (a towel soaked in warm water). The moisture and heat will help to reduce sinus swelling and alleviate the pain.
Take long and frequent hot showers. Breathing in the hot, moist air and steam a shower produces should help to clear out your sinuses.
Drink lots of fluids. Doing so can help to thin out the mucus clogging your sinuses and relive the pain. Hot drinks can be especially effective and strong herbal teas are highly recommended (mint can be particularly effective).
Use a humidifier or vaporizer. Moist air can help to clean out the mucus clogging your sinuses and reduce swelling.
Breathe in the steam from a tea kettle. Be very careful when doing this, as the steam can also burn the sensitive inner parts of your nose. The heat and moisture should help reduce the swelling in your sinuses.
Irrigate your nose with salt water. Flushing out the nasal passages with salt water will reduce swelling and help clean out some of the blocking mucus.
Take decongestants. These medicines are designed to reduce sinus swelling. They can be found as either nasal sprays (like Afrin) or in the form of pills (like Sudafed). Carefully follow the directions and dosages as some decongestants have very potent ingredients.
Take painkillers. Over the counter painkillers like Advil or Tylenol will not heal your sinuses, but they can help reduce sinus pain while your body heals itself.
Try allergy medicines. If you think your sinus problems may be caused by allergies, taking allergy medication regularly can greatly improve your symptoms.