How Often to Replace Acuvue Oasys Contacts
Replacement Schedule
Acuvue Oasys contact lenses are available by prescription. They should be used only as directed by your eye doctor, who will determine what type of contact replacement schedule is right for you.
The three Acuvue Oasys products available are Hydraclear Plus, Astigmatism and Presbyopia. All three should be removed and cleaned daily and replaced every two weeks. Your eye doctor may offer you the alternative of wearing these lenses continuously (day and night) for up to six nights. After the sixth night, they should be replaced with a new pair.
It is important to take good care of your contact lenses so they remain clean and comfortable for the duration of your replacement schedule.
If your eye doctor has given you a two-week daily wear schedule, remove your lenses at the end of each day. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses. Clean and disinfect them with a multipurpose contact lens solution, then store them in a clean contact case. When you are ready to wear your lenses again, take them out of your case one at a time and clean them with multipurpose solution before putting them in your eyes.
If your eye doctor has instructed you to wear your lenses continuously, clean and disinfect them before you put them in. Wear continuously for up to six nights, then throw them out and replace them with a new pair. If you want to take them out at some point during the six-night replacement period, clean and disinfect them as you would with two-week lenses, by using a multipurpose solution and placing them in a clean case.
It can be difficult to remember when to replace your lenses. If you are on a two-week replacement schedule, there are a few tips that can help you remember when to discard your contacts and replace them with a fresh pair.
Always replace your contact lenses on the same day of the week. For example, throw out your contacts every other Sunday night and start your Monday morning with a fresh pair of lenses.
You also can line up your replacement schedule with your payday schedule, if you get paid every two weeks. Another idea is to replace your contact lenses on the 1st and 15th of the month. Or sign up for Acuvue's free ACUMINDER service to receive electronic reminders to replace your lenses.