What Are the Marks on My Contacts For?

Contact lenses can be made for those with astigmatism and bifocal needs, along with the more typical near- and farsightedness.
  1. Lens Types

    • Lenses are available in hard, soft and breathable varieties. Hard contacts are modernly used for slowing and correcting nearsightedness.


    • The first hard plastic lenses were invented in 1936. Soft contacts were created in the 1950s, making wearing contacts far more comfortable.


    • Soft contact lenses contain a small mark to help the user see the right side of the lens. If the mark looks stretched or angled outward, then the lens is inside out.


    • Marking soft contacts allows users a quick and easy way to verify a good fit and rule out a wrong-sided contact as the problem if contacts are not remaining in place.

    Fun Fact

    • In 1887, a German glass blower created a lens that fit over the entire eye and could be worn for up to three hours.

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