Home Remedy for Pink Eye in Children
Boric Acid
Mix together boric acid eyewash. This can be very soothing and can provide an antiseptic, which will cleanse the eye. Boil one quart of water and add 1 tbsp. of boric acid to the water. Allow it to cool completely. Use a cotton ball or a clean washcloth and apply directly to the child's infected eye several times per day for instant relief.
Raw Potato
Grate a peeled potato and use the potato shavings as an astringent. The potato can reduce inflammation and will provide a cooling effect. Hold this onto the eye for at least 10 minutes. Use the potato for at least three nights in a row for the best results.
Baking Soda
Combine a 1/4 tsp. baking soda with 1/2 c. water and use as an eye wash. Splash the liquid onto the eye several times per day or soak a cotton ball into the liquid and apply directly to the eye.
Tea Bags
Boil several tea bags in a few cups of water. Allow the tea and the bags to cool. Place the bags directly on the child's eyes to reduce swelling and irritation. You may also use an eyecup to use the tea as eyewash. Use the bags and wash three times per day for several days or until the conjunctivitis symptoms have gone away.
Prepare an eyewash for your child with a few drops of honey into a cup of warm water. The honey solution will ease the discomfort from the pink eye but may burn at first when placed in the eye. Soak a cotton ball into the solution and apply to the eye or use an eyedropper to drop a few drops into the infected eye.
Flush the eye several times a days with water. This can be done in the shower by tilting your child's head back and allowing the water to run over the eyes and the face. The warm water will provide instant relief from irritation and itching. Soak a washcloth in warm water and place directly on the eye for approximately 20 minutes to help relieve the crust that forms from conjunctivitis.