Extended Dry Eye Relief
Environmental Changes
There are many changes one can make to their home and lifestyle in order to ease the symptoms of dry eyes. Many people are finding that long periods working on a computer are the primary cause of their dry eyes. Setting the computer monitor below eye level keeps your eyes from being wide-open, and thus prevents ocular surface dryness.
Dehydration may be the cause of dry eyes and eliminating leading factors to this condition can also help. Drinking more water, quitting or cutting back on smoking and limiting caffeine intake can all assist in keeping you and your eyes hydrated.
Around the house you can use a humidifier or keep ceiling fans off.
Omega-3 supplements will provides the protection needed for tear film. This treatment will not immediately remedy dry eyes, but the change to your diet will heed results over time.
Artificial Tears and Eye Drops
There are a variety of eye drops and artificial tears on the market.
Some prescription eye drops or also used for the treatment of dry mouth, such as Evoxac and Salagen. These medications should not be used if you suffer from heart or respiratory complications.
Lotemax, a corticosteroid, that contains preservatives, is not intended for long-term use, as long-term use has been linked to the development of glaucoma.
Restasis, developed by the company Allergan, is one of the most popular leading prescription eye drops. It should not be used with tear duct plugs, topical steroids or contact lenses, or if you have had a history of corneal herpes or currently have an eye infection. Many doctors prefer this prescription because it contains no preservatives, is comfortable and has a long retention period.
Silicone and Collagen Plugs
Usually the last resort of optometrists, artificial tear duct plugs generally provide immediate and complete relief from dry eyes. Small silicone or collagen plugs are inserted into the tear ducts, preventing tears from draining from the eye. Usually a temporary plug is inserted to begin with in order to judge the efficacy of the plug for that individual. Once success is established, permanent plugs will be surgically implanted. The primary drawback to plugs is the frequency with which they are lost.