Eye Exercises for Tired Eyes
Keeping Eyes Lubricated
When our eyes get tired, they are often dry. To help offset the dryness, try these simple things. The easiest remedy is to blink; do this several times until you feel your eyes becoming moistened with tears. Yawning can have the same effect. Try alternating between yawning and blinking. Whenever you can, try to get out into some natural light. Artificial lighting can be tiring for eyes.
Close your eyes, then slowly look to the ceiling, then slowly look to the floor. Repeat a few times. Now do the same thing, only from side to side this time. Hold your finger a few inches from your eyes, focus on it while you slowly move it away from you. Then look at something far in the distance. Repeat for a couple of minutes. Scan the edges of the room with a fluid, loose focus for a few minutes. Every 20 minutes or so focus on something far away, then back to the close-up work.
Eye Soothers
To relieve eye fatigue, try palming your eyes. While seated at a desk, put your elbows on the desk near the edge and lean forward, while cupping your hands over your closed eyes. Inhale and hold for several seconds, then breathe deeply for a few minutes, letting your palms warm your eyes. For even more eye relief, set up two bowls, one with hot, but not burning, water and the other with ice water. Put a washcloth in each. Put the hot washcloth on your closed eye for 30 seconds, then apply the icy one for 30 seconds. Alternate between the hot and cold cloths for each eye for a few minutes; then dry with a soft towel.