Uses for Restasis

Keeping your eyes clean and moist is important to their long-term health. Not only does moisture coat the eye and add a layer of protection, it also helps to fight infectious bacteria that can infiltrate and damage sensitive eye tissue. If moisture loss to the eye remains untreated, severe visual impairments can begin to manifest. Restasis is a prescription medication that can help maintain your eyes' optimum level of moisture and ensure that it receives the nourishment required for good health.
    • Restasis can increase tear production.

    What is Restasis?

    • Restasis is the brand name for the generic form of the drug known as cyclosporine ophthalmic. explains that cyclosporine ophthalmic is a topical eye drop that suppresses immune responses within the eye, which aids in the reduction of inflammation. Cyclosporine is most often prescribed for daily use and administered two times per day.

    Chronic Dry Eye

    • Restasis can help relieve the symptoms of a condition known as "chronic dry eye," which affects the eyes of approximately 3 million Americans. According to Focus on Dry Eye, chronic dry eye is also referred to as keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) and results in itching, dryness and the continuous feeling that something is in the eye. The condition is often mistaken for allergies, but is actually caused by inflammation.


    • Reduced tear production can be caused by not blinking, which can happen due to long-term computer use or prolonged video game play. Inadequate tear production is also a problem for contact lens wearers. The Eye Digest explains that contact lenses can actually soak up tears faster than the eye can produce them. As a result, vision can become blurred and light sensitivity can occur as well as itching and burning. The use of Restasis can increase tear production for the duration of the time that the medication is used.

    Things to Consider

    • Before using Restasis there are certain things to consider. For instance, Restasis has been found to be ineffective in helping boost tear production in patients who have tear-duct plugs implanted. Tear-duct plugs often are inserted to keep the eyes moister, longer. According to, the medication also is ineffective in patients who used steroid-based eye drops.

    Side Effects of Restasis Use

    • According to, Restasis has not been tested on children under the age of 16 and has not been approved for pediatric use. Testing has not yet established the effects of Restasis on pregnant women and women who are nursing and their offspring. What is known is that Restasis can cause eye pain and discharge as well as epiphora---which is actually an overflow of tears. Pruritus, which causes severe itching, also can develop.

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