Eyebright for Treating Red Swollen Eyelids
Eyebright's story
Eyebright grows in Europe and the United States. It blossoms in the summertime. Since it needs the roots of other grass to hold onto nutrients, it is not a plant that can be easily transplanted. After the fourteenth century it became quite popular as a remedy for memory and eye treatments. It gives relief because of its tannins.
Red Swollen Eyelids also known as Blepharitis
Blepharitis is caused by glands that are blocked in our eyelids, excessive oil production, a staph infection or an allergic reaction. This condition can also be caused by not washing your eyes daily.
Symptoms of this problem are sticky or crusty eyelids, a feeling that something is in your eye and itching. Not using eye makeup at this time gives your eyes a chance to heal and be less irritated.
Take one ounce of eyebright herb and steep in a pint of boiling water. Using this solution, bathe the eye three times a day. Depending on the amount of pain you are experiencing, keep the infusion warm. If there is less pain, you can use a cold infusion. Using a compress, apply it to your eyelids and let it sit for up to 15 minutes.
Eyebright's Many Uses
Eyebright also works for sinusitis, as well hay fever, colds, bronchitis and sore throats. Used as an eye wash, it will help conditions such as tired eyes, conjunctivitis sties, eye irritation and swollen eyelids. Reducing the inflammation, it works to cut down on the mucus that might be accumulating due to infection.
A Word of Caution
Do not use if you have contact lenses.
You may also experience swollen eyelids, sensitivity to light, or changes in vision.
If you ingest eyebright, it may cause confusion or nausea.
Eyebright is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.
If you just had eye surgery, do not use this herb.