Eye Exercise for Blurry Vision
In just 10 minutes you can relieve eyestrain and relax your eyes, possibly clearing up blurry vision by doing an eye exercise known as palming, according to My Fit Health and Fitness.
Sit in a chair at a table with your elbows resting comfortably on the table. Rub your hands together to generate some heat on your palms, and cup your hands over both eyes without applying pressure to the sockets. Breathe deeply and relax with your hands resting over your eyes for 10 minutes. This will relax your eyes, mind and body and will often improve blurred vision for tired eyes.
Spending a lot of time at a computer will dry your eyes and tire them out. This can lead to blurry vision. An exercise called swinging can help lubricate the eyes and keep them free of debris.
To do the exercise, stand up and focus on a distant point such as the horizon. Sway back and forth as you keep your eyes focused on the point and blink your eyes each time you sway back and forth. Repeat the exercise 100 times each day.
See Clearly
The See Clearly Method is a group of exercises, done for a half hour each day, that is designed to help with blurry vision and other sight deficiencies, according to My Fit Health and Fitness. Work your way down the following list of exercises to complete the method.
Close your eyes tightly for three to five seconds and open them for three to five seconds and repeat eight times. Close your eyes and massage them with the tips of your fingers in circular motions for two minutes. Press three fingers from each hand against your upper eyelids and hold them for two seconds and repeat five times.
Sit and relax and roll your eyeballs around clockwise and then counter-clockwise, blinking between each roll five times each way. Hold a pencil in front of your face at arm's length and focus on the tip as you bring it in to touch your nose. Repeat this 10 times.
Look at a blank wall and pretend you are writing with your eyes without moving your head. Look at a distant object, and then quickly look at a close by object, adjusting focus to each. Repeat this five times.