Side Effects of Dry Eyes
Expert Insight
If you are suffering from dry eye syndrome, you do not produce enough tears, according to Dr. M. Reza Dana, director of the Cornea and Refractive Surgery Services at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear InfirmaryCornea Service. We need to produce tears because they fight bacteria. Tears are made up of proteins, fatty oils, electrolytes and anti-bacterial substances, as well as growth factors that regulate cell processes. When you produce adequate amounts of tears, this keeps your eyes clear and smooth and helps maintain good vision. When you don't, you will have problems. Your eyes will become irritated and inflamed.
Dry eyes can result in burning, a feeling of scratchiness as if there is something lodged in your eye, a gritty, sandy sensation that gets worse as the day progresses and stinging. The outcome of dry eyes is great discomfort.
Dry eyes are caused by decreased production of fluids that are produced by your tear glands. If your eyes are dry, they may water. Generally, both eyes are affected, and dry eyes are more likely to occur in individuals over the age of 40, according to
On the Increase
The incidence of dry eye syndrome is increasing. Doctors believe it is due to computer use. People don't blink their eyes as much when they are staring at a computer, which is considered sustained visual activity. Blinking is every bit as important as producing tears because blinking gets rid of debris in the eye. Dry eyes can get much worse when you watch TV or read for extended periods of time or when you are driving.
Dr. Andrew Weil, founder and director of the Program in Integrative Medicine at the College of Medicine, University of Arizona, and a pioneer in the field of holistic health, who received his medical training at Harvard University, noted that dry eyes can be caused by certain medications that you are taking. Discuss this with your health care provider. He recommends using a humidifier in your home, drinking lots of water because this will help the mucous membranes in your eyes to remain moist, blink often and try not to rub your eyes, which will make them worse. He suggests eating foods that have omega-3 fats, such as salmon, cod, walnuts and flaxseed, because this will help maintain moisture in your eyes. OTC eye drops can be used and are helpful. Get those that say "artificial tears" and not the ones that are designated for itchy or red eyes.