How to Easily Put Eye Drops in Your Eyes
Before applying drops make sure you have a cotton ball soaked in warm water and a few tissues. Wash your hands well with soap and water, then dry thoroughly with a clean towel. Standing in front of a mirror, close your eyes and with a clean wet cotton ball, wipe the outside of your eyelids to remove any crusting or drainage.
If you are right handed, grasp the container, shake it gently and remove the cap. Place the cap on a dry tissue. Since the eye drops should remain sterile, make sure not to touch the dropper tip with your fingers. Turn the bottle upside down in your hand and place the back of your thumb against your forehead just above your right eye. Tilt your head backwards, keep both eyes open and stare at a point on the ceiling. (See image)
With the forefinger of your left hand just beneath the lower lid, gently pull the lower lid down. This will form a pocket for the drop. With the tip of the eye drop container bottle approximately 3/4 inch above your eye, squeeze the bottle lightly to allow the drop to fall into the pocket you created. (See image) Gently close the eye immediately without tightly squeezing it closed. Gently blot around the outside of the lid and keep the eye closed for 30 seconds to allow the medication to remain in contact with the eye. Replace the bottle cap and store the eye drops as directed by your pharmacist.
If you also need to apply eye drops to your left eye, wait at least five minutes after applying drops to the right eye.