Alternative Treatments for Eye Floaters
Keep your eyes in constant motion to help strengthen the eye and prevent the accumulation of debris within the eye tissues. According to Holistic Junction, those who practice one minute of speed reading each day for 21 days can expect to see an 80 percent reduction in eye floaters. As with all forms of exercise, eye movements help to increase circulation to the area, which increases the rate at which waste is transported from the tissues. To exercise your eyes, keep your head still and look to the right. Hold your eye in this position for four seconds. Then slowly look to the left and hold. Repeat this exercise ten times daily. Then try it again, looking up and down rather than left and right. If you find yourself getting dizzy, reduce the number of repetitions and gradually work your way up.
The protein strands that have accumulated in your eye were once fully-functioning molecules. When protein is denatured, it breaks into small fragments. Once it is broken, it cannot be put back together again. However, there are things you can do to help prevent further breakage. Damage by free radicals is one of the main causes of protein breakage. To prevent this, include as many natural sources of anti-oxidants in your daily diet as possible. Beans, berries, apples, nuts and vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, spinach and pumpkin are all loaded with anti-oxidants. Additionally, you should avoid foods which can contribute to the generation of floaters, including coffee and alcohol.
If you're finding it difficult to make the necessary changes to your daily diet, try adding a multivitamin tablet to your morning menu. Be sure to choose a brand that gives you the recommended daily amount of vitamin A, which has a favorable effect upon the eye. If possible, try to choose a tablet that contains hyaluronic acid as well. Hyaluronic acid is a key component of collagen, the substance that provides support and structure to the eye. As you age, collagen degradation can significantly impact the number of floaters within your eyes.
Many non-western treatments have been beneficial in the treatment of eye floaters. According to studies done by the World Health Organization, patients have reported successful results from hypnosis, acupuncture and the regular inclusion of herbal remedies such as bilberry tea into their daily regimes. These treatments increase the circulation of blood, lymph and tissue fluids to the eye, increasing available oxygen and improving the rate of nutrient delivery. For example, tea made with rooibos can help to restore damaged tissue throughout the body, including the eye, as it helps to amplify the functions of the liver, which detoxifies bodily fluids.