Emergency Eye Symptoms
Your Eyes
Your eyes take in light and translate them into images through electrical impulses. Light enters through the pupil and travels through a lens that helps to focus that light onto the retina. The retina is a light-sensitive tissue that lines the back of the eyeball. When light hits the retina, it sets off a series of chemical and electrical impulses. These impulses travel along the optic nerve to the brain, where they are interpreted into vision.
Sudden Loss of Vision
There are certain eye problems that necessitate seeking medical attention immediately, but none is as disturbing as a sudden loss of vision. A sudden loss of sight can be a sign of several very dangerous conditions. Complete retinal detachment is one of them. Without the retina, you will be permanently blind. If you seek immediate medical treatment, you may be able to save your sight.
There are two types of eye pain--ocular and orbital. Ocular pain occurs on the surface of the eye, and orbital pain occurs behind the eye. Both are cause for concern. Eye pain is a symptom of many conditions, including corneal abrasions and ulcers. It can also be a sign of a tumor or glaucoma, a disease characterized by damage to the optic nerve.
Flashing Lights
Photopsia is a condition wherein you see flashing lights in your line of vision. This can be a sign of a torn retina. As the retina tears or detaches, it can flap or move around. This is what causes the flashes. It can also cause eye floaters, small spots, squiggles or threads in your vision. It can also be a sign of posterior vitreous detachment, a condition in which the gel that keeps the retina in place becomes less firm. Posterior vitreous detachment is much less dangerous than a torn retina, but only a health care professional can tell you which one you have. Seek medical treatment immediately.
Physical Injury
Another situation that constitutes an eye emergency is when your eye is physically injured. Sports injuries, car accidents or physical fights can all cause serious physical injury to your eyes. Any time your eye experiences physical trauma, it can cause structure problems that can lead to blindness. If you ever have a cut or puncture in your eye, you should see your health care provider immediately to avoid further complication.