Alternative Medicine for Eye Floaters
The primary symptom of eye floaters is the appearance of transparent material floating directly in the field of vision. They can take the shape of little specks or strings, and when you attempt to look at them, they quickly move out of the field of vision. Over time they may settle at the bottom of the vitreous cavity and cause little to no interference with vision. If you experience a sudden increase in floaters, it may be due to retinal detachment, which requires immediate medical attention.
Alternative Treatment
Although treatment is most often not necessary, there are several alternative methods through which relief may be obtained. It should be known, however, that these methods have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and as such great care should be followed when utilizing them. It is also always best to discuss with your doctor the possibility of complications from using these methods.
Several medications are available for purchase online, and include a wide variety of products in the form of pills or eyedrops. Options include a liquid milk thistle extract, which is thought to work by promoting liver health, as the liver is thought to be important for eye and vision health in Chinese medicine; and ReVision formula, which is an eye drop mixture containing a number of homeopathic ingredients designed to treat a variety of eye conditions. A complete list of available alternative treatments can be found on
Beyond this, following a healthy diet can improve vision health and stave off the development of eye floaters in general. Possible options include the juice of a variety of fruits and vegetables such as carrots, celery, apples and raspberries. Avoid salt and drinks that contain alcohol and caffeine, and consume adequate amounts of water as well. For best results, speak with your doctor or a dietitian to determine the best possible eye floater diet.