Swollen Eyelid Cure
Everyone experiences some swelling of the eyelids at one time or another. However, if you are having pain, redness or bruising, and it is a chronic problem for a week or more, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Chronic swelling of the eyes could be a symptom of a more serious medical condition, such as kidney or thyroid problems, immune deficiencies, serious allergies or infection.
Most commonly, swelling of the eyelids is caused by irritation from allergies, sinus infection, menstrual cycle, lack of sleep or overuse, such as extended computer use or reading.
There is no absolute cure for swollen eyelids, however, you can effectively reduce the amount of swelling and bring relief using any of the following techniques. Since no two people are the same, not everyone will have the same results from each remedy. Try each one and find which one works best for you.
Tea Bags and Caffeine Serums
Caffeine helps reduce swelling. Placing a tea bag that has been steeped in warm water over each eye for 20 minutes, twice a day, will reduce swelling and puffiness. The only possible side effect could be slight discoloration of the skin, as tea could stain the delicate area around your eyes, especially if you have light-toned skin.
Serums containing caffeine are available in health and beauty sections of most department stores and pharmacies. These serums may also contain other agents, such as anti-aging ingredients. These serum treatments could be pricey and may contain ingredients you're not particularly interested in.
Potatoes and Rice Starch
Placing slices of raw potato over swollen eyelids works because the starch from the potato absorbs into the skin, helping to reduce puffiness and tighten and firm areas around the eyes. This can be done twice or three times daily as needed. This technique has no adverse side effects, but you might find an added bonus of a reduction of dark circles under the eyes (if you have them) as starch also lightens skin pigment slightly.
You can purchase powdered rice starch from just about any grocery store. It can be used to make a paste or starchy water. Mix a little of the rice starch with some warm water until it forms a loose paste. Being careful to avoid getting it directly into your eyes, apply it to the swollen areas around eyes, let stand for 10 to 15 minutes, and rinse with warm water. Or if you prefer, make a starchy water to soak cotton balls in to place onto your eyes.
Witch Hazel
Witch hazel works to soothe and reduce swelling. Soak cotton balls with refrigerated witch hazel, making sure to squeeze them out so the cotton is not dripping. It is important to keep your eyes closed, as witch hazel will sting if allowed to get under the eyelid. Place the cotton balls over your eyes for 20 minutes, twice a day, as needed.