How to Avoid Iritis
Make sure you have proper nutrition. Eating foods rich in vitamins A,C and E is beneficial to eye health. If you do not get enough of these nutrients, try taking a daily supplement. Your health food store will have supplements specifically geared toward daily eye and vision health.
See your ophthalmologist for a yearly checkup, especially if you already have risk factors, like rheumatoid arthritis. She can quickly take action if she notices any swelling or inflammation. A simple light shining into the eyes is necessary to look for iritis, and since iritis can cause permanent sight loss, it's important to be checked for it often.
Use proper protective gear when taking part in sports or activities that could potentially damage the eyes. A helmet and safety goggles are necessary when playing with a large ball, undertaking home improvement projects or any time you risk being hit in the eye with an object. Good safety equipment means healthier eyes.
Ask your ophthalmologist about steroid drops if you feel an infection or swelling occurring. Steroid drops can kill the infection and help your eyes stop swelling. Regular eye drops, however, will do nothing for the condition, so be sure to see your doctor if you need a prescription.
Choose foods high in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. These healthy fats can reduce swelling in the eyes, which is often a precursor to iritis. Foods rich in these healthy fats are fish (choose ones with a low mercury content like salmon or trout), eggs and olive oils.