Viral Conjunctivitis Symptoms
Viral conjunctivitis is very contagious and can spread from person to person quickly. Both children and adults are at risk for contracting the disease.
Viral conjunctivitis usually only affects one eye, but can easily spread to the other. Symptoms include excessive watering, itchiness and a crusting of the eyelids while sleeping.
Pink eye is diagnosed by taking a sample of the discharge and creating a culture in order to accurately determine the initial cause.
There is no cure for viral conjunctivitis, so treatment involves managing the symptoms while the condition runs its course, which usually takes about three weeks. Cool compresses and saline solution usually relieve most of the discomfort, while more stubborn cases may need steroid drops.
Since viral conjunctivitis is very contagious, following common sense procedures will help lessen the chances of contracting it. Wash your hands frequently and do not share things like mascara or eye drops with others. Avoid sharing hand towels, washcloths or pillowcases with others.