What Is an Eye Refraction Test?
The eye doctor asks the patient to read from a chart (around 20 feet away) while looking through a refractor (or phoroptor). The doctor changes the lenses in the refractor to choose the one that best suits the patient.
People who have vision problems should take the test every two to three years to determine if they need a new prescription. People over the age of 40 should take the test more frequently.
Normal Result
The normal result of the refraction test is 20/20 vision, which means that the person has perfect vision.
Abnormal Results
An abnormal result may mean that the person has one of the following vision problems: nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, or presbyopia.
Other Conditions
The refraction test can also help the eye doctor determine if the person suffers from the following: ulcers or infections of cornea, detached retina, damaged retina, macular degeneration or blockage of blood flow to the retina.