Tests for Iritis

Bloodshot eyes are not always the result of a night without sufficient sleep or a hangover. There are many other causes for your eyes to be "bothering you." A condition called iritis may be the cause, and there are several ways to evaluate whether or not it is the culprit.
  1. The Facts

    • Iritis is an inflammatory disorder of the colored part of the eye, or the iris. Some symptoms of iritis are sensitivity to light, blurred vision and red eye. In most cases, iritis has no specific cause, and sometimes it is just one symptom of a disease affecting other organs. Most often, these are conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and B27 disease.


    • Iritis can be diagnosed by examining the eye with a slit lamp (which is a special microscope used for eye examination). An ophthalmologist will be able to see the particles of protein and white blood cells in fluid produced by the eye. Additional tests may include an evaluation of effectiveness of topical anesthetics to relieve pain and/or a glaucoma test. Testing of your visual acuity may also be done through eye chart testing.


    • A more complete listing of common symptoms of iritis include watery eyes, eye pain, light sensitivity and small or distorted pupils. In many cases, the causes include autoimmune disease, infections and isolated ocular autoimmune disorder (where the immune system attacks the iris for unknown reasons).


    • Early detection of iritis offers the opportunity for moderate forms of treatment, such as therapy consisting of anti-inflammatory and dilating drops. In persistent cases, though, more intensive treatments may be required. Cataracts and glaucoma may be possible consequences in more serious cases.


    • Iritis can be a sign of much more serious conditions, and as a result, should be taken very seriously. Your doctor or ophthalmologist should be able to diagnose if a more serious condition exists. If another condition exists, early detection would be best.

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