Eyelash Infections
Caused By Bacteria
Bacteria cause eyelash or stye infections. The bacteria develop into an infection at the base of the hair follicle of an eyelash. The infection pushes up through the gland.
Stye Symptoms
A red bump will appear in the eyelash area that will be tender. The bump gets swollen and possibly filled with pus. It will be more painful. You will probably feel it when you open and shut your eye.
Chalazion Symptom
If the stye gets larger and more inflamed, it could be a chalazion. Chalazions, if large enough, can impair your vision. Chalazions will usually go away on their own, but you might need medical treatment if it does not.
Styes last about 3 to 4 days, then they will usually drain on their own and go away. You can hasten the drainage process by placing warm compresses on the eye four times a day. Do not squeeze the stye.
Antibiotic Eye Ointment
If you continue to get eyelash infections you may need to go to your doctor for further evaluation and possibly a prescription for an antibiotic eye ointment.
Wash your hands often and do not touch your eyes. Styes are caused by bacteria and therefore can be transferred to someone else.