Tobrex Side Effects
Common Side Effects
As mentioned, there are certain side effects that have been associated with using this medication. Fortunately, there are only two: burning and stinging in the affected eye. While these are considered the most common side effects associated with using Tobrex, they only affect a small number of users.
Severe Side Effects
Unfortunately, there are also a number of severe side effects that have been associated with using this medication. Some of these side effects include hives, rash, tightening of the chest, difficulty breathing, itching, swelling of the mouth and tongue, eye or eyelid swelling and redness. These side effects are also very rare and are not present in a large amount of users.
Important Safety Information
Tobrex eye drops can caused blurred vision so it is recommended that users do not operate any type of machinery (including automobiles) while using this medication. If symptoms do not improve or get worse after three days of using Tobrex, contact your doctor immediately for an adjusted treatment method. Long-term or secondary use of this medication can cause additional infection in the eye so only use this drug for the period of time recommended by your doctor.
Always use Tobrex eye drops in direct conjunction with the recommendations given to you by your doctor and written on the label of the medication. To administer the drops, use your index finger to pull away your lower eyelid and insert the recommended dosage of drops. Once they have been inserted, close your eye immediately to allow the medication to apply itself. Do not wear contact lenses while using Tobrex.
If you experience any of the aforementioned side effects, consult with your doctor for other treatment options.
If an overdose of Tobrex is suspected, please contact your local poison center and head directly to the emergency room.
Tobrex is meant for use as an eye drop only and should never be used in any of the other bodily orifices.