Herbal Cures for Eye Uveitis
Uveitis usually appears as a quickly worsening reddening and swelling of the eye along with gradual loss of visual acuity. According to the Mayo Clinic, uveitis can be caused by autoimmune disorders, infectious diseases, inflammatory diseases-such as Crohn's disease, eye injuries and eye cancer.
Tumeric is a bright orange herb that is a staple of Indian cuisine. It is known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties. In a study published in the June 1999 Journal of Pytotherapy Research, researchers tested curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, on patients suffering from chronic anterior uveitis. They found that after two weeks all the patients who had received the treatment improved. The researchers concluded that using curcumin was comparable to corticosteroid therapy, the standard pharmaceutical treatment for uveitis, without the side effects.
Echinacea is a flowering plant native to North America that has been used for hundreds of years by native Americans. Herbalists claim it can boost your immune system. A study done in Italy at the Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, in December 2006 showed that uveitis patients treated with echinacea as well as steroids recovered faster than patients treated with steroids alone.
Uveitis is often a reaction to or a part of another disease pathology. Treating the underlying cause factor of the uveitis is necessary to treat uveitis through natural or any other means. Other herbs that may support the immune system and help inflammatory conditions should be considered in the overall treatment of uveitis and related disorders.
Uveitis is a serious condition and can be quite painful. According to the Mayo Clinic, untreated cases of uveitis may lead to damage of the optic nerve, scarring of eye tissue, and even vision loss. Symptoms of uveitis can also be confused with other conditions such as pink eye. It is vital to get a diagnosis and treatment as quickly as possible.