Revolutionary Treatments for Dry Eye

Dry eye, also known as keratitis sicca, is a relatively minor eye condition that causes irritation, redness, itchiness and sometimes pain in both eyes. Dry eye can be caused from a lack of moisture in the tear duct, too much exposure to fluorescent lighting, staring at a computer screen without adequate breaks, and old age. The following revolution treatments for dry eye will help relieve the associated symptoms so that you can get on with your life.
  1. Cyclosporine Eye Drops

    • According to, individuals suffering from dry-eye syndrome have more difficulty reading, carrying out professional work, using a computer, watching television and driving. This is especially true for older individuals. A low-cost and effective drug known as Cyclosporine can help relieve dry-eye symptoms. Cyclosporine is normally used to treat such medical conditions as arthritis and psoriasis. It is also used after an organ transplant, if the body rejects the organ. A research study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania found that eye drops containing Cyclosporine were more effective in treating dry-eye syndrome than eye drops containing a simple lubricant ingredient.

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    • Omega-3 fatty acids offer many wonderful benefits for the human body. Omega-3 is normally used for nutritional purposes, but it has also been used as a revolutionary treatment for dry-eye syndrome. After numerous studies, the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology found that individuals who consumed large amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids were less likely to develop symptoms associated with dry-eye syndrome. The foods that contain the highest concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids are fish and flaxseed. If you are suffering from dry-eye syndrome, increase your dietary intake of these foods. You can continue to consume Omega-3 fatty acids after your dry-eye symptoms subside to reduce your risk of developing dry eye in the future.

    Refresh Dry-Eye Therapy

    • Refresh dry-eye therapy is a relatively new and revolutionary dry-eye treatment that soothes and refreshes dry eyes. Refresh is classified as an ocular-lubricant solution specifically formulated to treat the burning and irritation that often occurs with dry-eye syndrome. The burning and irritation can often lead to discomfort and pain. You can purchase Refresh dry-eye therapy eye drops or the lubricant gel formula at any pharmacy or drugstore. If you experience any change in vision or eye pain, stop using Refresh dry-eye therapy immediately and call your doctor. You may be suffering from a serious eye condition.

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