What Are the Dangers of Contact Lenses?
Because contact lenses can pick up material and bacteria from various sources, they can cause infections by introducing that material and bacteria onto the eye. Fesarium keratitis is a type of eye infection that contacts have been known to cause. It can cause blindness or the formation of scar tissue in the eye, which could affect your vision.
Wearing contacts reduces the amount oxygen to the eyes. If you wear extended-wear lenses, this leads to an increased chance of infections in your eyes because of the longer-term reduction of oxygen.
Corneal Ulcer
Corneal ulcers are caused by microscopic parasites that breed in water-based conditions that are found between the cornea and contact lenses. Symptoms include redness, pain around the eyes and discharges. It needs to be treated with antibiotics or it could cause loss of vision in the eye.
Corneal Reflex
Using contact lenses may cause a diminished corneal reflex in your eye. This the eye's protective action that is triggered by pressure on the eye. With the constant application of contacts to the eyes, you may be dulling the eye's response to corneal reflex and this could lead to the eye being damaged because you couldn't shut your eyes fast enough when danger approached.
Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis occurs when the eyes react to having lenses on them. Symptoms can include mucus and itching. To stop it in most cases, avoid wearing the contact lenses until the condition clears up.
Contact Lens Solutions
Chemicals in the cleaning and disinfecting solutions can cause eye redness. If you notice this, switch to "sensitive eyes" versions of the solutions.
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