Maxitrol Side Effects
Common Side Effects
Common side effects reported by users of the drug include burning or itching when first applying the medication to the eye, dry skin, irritation, itching, redness and swelling. Consult your doctor if any of these symptoms become overly bothersome during the course of your treatment.
Severe Side Effects
Some severe side effects have been known to affect some users. Some of these side effects include changes in vision, hives, tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing, eye pain, continued burning and itching, swelling of the mouth and face and severe rashes. These side effects are rare and only affect a small number of individuals using the drug.
Important Safety Information
Maxitrol does not treat viral infections and only works in fighting bacterial infections in the eye. Make sure you use the medication for the entire course of the prescribed treatment. If the drug is not used constantly throughout its full cycle, the possibility of symptoms returning is strong. Maxitrol should be used with extreme caution in children as they are more susceptible to the side effects.
Maxitrol is meant for use in and around the eyes and should never be applied anywhere else on the body. To apply, first wash your hands to ensure your hands are free of bacteria. Next, apply the ointment into your eye using your index finger and gently close your eyes for one or two minutes to allow the medication to apply. Never wear contact lenses while using Maxitrol as they can interfere with your treatment.
If you experience any of the above side effects, contact your physician immediately.
If you suspect a potential overdose, head directly to the emergency room and seek medical attention.
Do not use Maxitrol if you are pregnant or breast feeding.