Cyclopentolate Side Effects
Minor Side Effects
Several side effects of Cyclopentolate are not usually considered to be worrisome. In general, these side effects go away as the eyes adjust to the medication. However, if the side effects should persist or worsen, it might be necessary to consult a doctor. These side effects include irritation of the eyes that did not exist before the medication was used, blurry vision, the eyes burning and higher light sensitivity of the eyes.
Other Side Effects
There are various side effects of Cyclopentolate that require medical attention. If any of these side effects happen to you, you should immediately consult your doctor. These side effects are urinating less frequently, constipation, disorientation, confusion, stomach ache or cramps, fatigue, weakness, abnormal drowsiness, abnormal behavior, increased thirst, dry mouth, inability to recognize familiar people, restlessness, hyperactivity, slurred communication, skin rash, irregular or rapid heartbeat, hallucinations, facial redness or flushing, seizures, feeling of fullness, unsteadiness, and swollen stomach (particularly for infants). These side effects generally occur due to excess medication being absorbed by the body.
Cyclopentolate eye drops are not suitable for everybody. It is important to inform your doctor of your medical history when considering this medication. People who have experienced allergic reactions to cyclopentolate opthalmic, and people who have the condition angle-closure glaucoma must not use this medication.
Contact Lenses
These eye drops should not be administered while a person is wearing contact lenses. This is due to the fact that the medication might consist of a preservative that could be absorbed by contact lenses that are soft. It is necessary to wait a minimum of 15 minutes after getting the eye drops to reinsert the contact lenses.
If a person suspects that they have overdosed on Cyclopentolate eye drops, they must immediately seek medical attention. Some signs of Cyclopentolate eye drops include urinating less frequently, dry mouth, redness or warmth sensations underneath the skin, rapid heart rate, drowsiness, and coordination loss.