Home Remedies for Dry Eyes
Moisture in the Air
You can help your dry eye condition by making sure that there is plenty of water or moisture in the air. Those who live in dry climates may find that the dry air only aggravates their conditions. To add more moisture into the air, invest in a cool mist humidifier and place it in the area in which you spend most of your time, and where you normally feel your dry eyes. Your bedroom or home office is a good choice. Fill the water up often so that you have a continual stream of mist being released into the air. The humidifier will help to combat the dryness in the air, and make it easier for you to get some of the moisture that your eyes need from your environment instead of eye drops.
Blinking and Rest
It may seem like an obvious choice, but blinking helps spread moisture all over your eyes to help keep them lubricated. Some blink more often than others, and those who have dry eyes probably don't blink enough. Make a conscious effort to blink often throughout the day. Giving your eyes proper rest, especially after doing an activity that was taxing on your eyes and eyesight, is also a good way to keep them lubricated. After looking at a computer or work for a long period of time, sit back and close your eyes, with your palms cupped over them to make it completely dark for about 30 seconds. This should help regenerate some moisture production.
Glasses and Goggles
You might not think much about your day to day activities and environments. However, these can affect your dry eye condition by making it worse. You can help your dry eyes by making sure to have the right gear while going through your day to day routine. Using glasses or sunglasses while outside in the wind can help shield the eyes from the drying effects from wind blowing directly at the eye. If you love to swim, make sure that you remember your goggles. While chlorine doesn't directly cause dry eyes, it causes red and itchy eyes, leading to more rubbing. This rubbing causes eyes to dry out. Keep your eyes protected from the elements to keep them healthy and moist.