Eye Improvement Exercises
For example, presbyopia, or near-sightedness, can sometimes be improved through the repetition of Bates method eye exercises that work the eye muscles. The Bates method comes from William Bates, MD (1860-1930) and includes exercises such as "swinging" and palming the eyes.
What is the Bates method?
There are seven muscles controlling the eyes. The Bates method uses palming and swinging as ways to improve eyesight by strengthening these muscles. Dr. Bates felt that people who continually changed their eye prescriptions without changing the way they used their eyes were doing nothing to improve their vision. Instead, he emphasized a soft focus, not straining or overusing the eyes. He also used visual memory as a means for not overworking and fatiguing the eye muscles since those could lead to eyestrain.
Practicing good visual habits
Your daily eye habits contribute to improving or worsening your vision. For example, sitting at a computer for long periods of time uses mainly close vision. Take breaks by closing the eyes or by looking at a brightly colored object in the distance and then one nearby to keep all seven eye muscles healthy.
"Look near, look far" is a simple phrase to remember this eye exercise.
Reading with adequate light and blinking regularly (especially if you wear contact lenses) help keep eyes healthy and reduces eye strain.
Palming and swinging
Classic Dr. Bates eye exercises include palming and swinging. To rest the eyes, close them and rub the hands together to create heat. Place your cupped hands over your eyes for a minute or so, without pressing on your eyelids.
Swinging can be done in a number of ways. One easy way is by looking at an object at a distance and moving your head left to right so your eyes softly focus on the object. For example, viewing a sailboat from the shore and swinging the eyes helps exercise all seven eye muscles. Both eye exercises reduce eyestrain.