Child Care Activities for Blind Babies
Music Activities
Turn on the music and dance with babies, making sure to follow the beat of the music. Play music boxes for children as well, especially jack-in-the-boxes that pop up at the same point in the song each time they're played. Put the baby's hands over the lid of the jack-in-the-box so that she can feel when it pops up. Sing songs to the baby--especially nursery rhymes and songs with a steady beat--and move her hands to make the motions that go along with the songs. "Open, Shut Them" and "Incy Wincy Spider" are excellent choices.
Noise Activities
For younger infants, provide soft balls that crinkle or jingle when squeezed or shaken. Even better, secure wrist or ankle "bracelets" to the baby so that he can shake it himself. For an older infant who is beginning to move, buy a ball that plays music so that he can move after it when it rolls away. Also try cars that make noise as they roll across the floor. Give babies pot lids or other objects that make a loud noise when they bang together, and allow them to bang to their heart's content.
Touch and Feel Activities
Swing the baby outside in an infant swing to help her feel where she is in space. Similarly, help your child slide down a baby slide, or put your arms firmly around her and help her go down a taller slide at the playground. Give your child balls with interesting textures.