Home Remedies for Chronic Dry Eyes
Chronic dry eyes, also called dry eye syndrome, can cause itching and burning in the eyes and inflamed skin tissue. Your climate, age and lifestyle can all contribute to dry eyes. Sometimes you will need the assistance of an eye doctor, but you can often help your eyes using only home remedies.-
Eye Drops
Lubricating eye drops can be used at home and reduce or eliminate the symptoms of chronic dry eyes. Buy eye drops that contain artificial tears. These fight itching, burning and inflammation by increasing the amount of moisture in your eyes. The frequency with which you will need to use artificial tears varies based on the brand of eye drops and the severity of your dry eyes, but expect to apply them throughout the day. Most eye drop containers are small enough that you can carry them in your pocket.
Lifestyle Changes
Some of your daily habits may be causing chronic dry eyes. You may not be drinking enough water. Dehydration can cause dry eyes, and drinking more water is one of the easiest and cheapest home remedies for chronic eye dryness.
Watching too much television or using a computer for too long causes you to blink less often, which reduces the amount of moisture in your eyes. If possible, spend less time looking at screens. Television use should be easy to cut down on, but you may need to spend long hours on your computer for work. If you must use your computer for long periods of time, schedule frequent breaks to give your eyes rest.
Contact lens use can also cause dry eyes. Remove your contacts before sleeping, even if you wear contacts that are designed to sleep in. If you already sleep without contacts, try cutting back on contact use during the day. The less time you spend wearing contacts, the more moisture your eyes will get. Switching over to glasses completely will be the most effective way to fight chronic dry eyes, but even wearing them for a few additional hours each day will improve eye dryness significantly.
Low humidity often causes chronic dry eyes. Low humidity can be caused by the climate you live in, and by the frequent use of air conditioners. Use the air conditioner less often if possible, and consider purchasing a humidifier. Humidifiers add moisture to indoor air, which will reduce eye dryness.